t0day aku na update b0ut new kn0wledge yg aku bljr..this is kinda freak 0ut coz i supp0sed t0 be an EXPERT ab0ut this l0ng time ag0 until few pers0n start to c0nfusing me..l0l..
ok..first of all aku update kat MALAYSIAN METAL GROUP in fb..demanding any members yg leh explain the difference between DEATHCORE and DEATH METAL..plus DEATH METAL ngan BLACK METAL..as i th0ught few pe0ple start t0 give answers yg bagi aku lagi c0nfuse..haha..but anyway thanks t0 every0ne yang really care to help me..walaupun masalah neh xdelah besar sangat..tapi mampu expl0dekan otak aku gak la na differ these shit out..
and thanks to this f0lk named Man Tarantulah ( awes0me name dude.,c0s i l0ve tarantula..hehe ) and a lil chat ngan Chum Kriegzerst0rer.,bantuan mereka buatkan aku study hard,baca few articles,experiencing and etc..i think i can start to differ few bands..
of c0s sbnrnye bnyk beza nye..tapi xtaw la nape aku susah sngt na bezakan..dari segi riff,dan yg paling ketara jeritan..senang na ingat klu black metal,mereka just shriek but death metal agak vari0us..but they're scream and gr0wl more..that's it..
then yang membuatkan pe0ple say "black metal ngan death metal same" is a subgenre yang c0me out fr0m both black metal and death metal i.e BLACKENED DEATH METAL..that's wut put band as DIMMU BORGIR,DEICIDE defined themselves as Black Metal/Death Metal..
s0.,BLACK METAL's example are::
Mayhem ( the pi0neer )
and DEATH METAL lax::
Death ( the pi0neer )
Cattle Decapitation
Spawn of Possession
Arch Enemy
Amon Amarth
ok..n0te to self that death metal ade bnyk subgenres..s0 jgn pelik bile list di atas ada kelainan music..enj0y..
ok..first of all aku update kat MALAYSIAN METAL GROUP in fb..demanding any members yg leh explain the difference between DEATHCORE and DEATH METAL..plus DEATH METAL ngan BLACK METAL..as i th0ught few pe0ple start t0 give answers yg bagi aku lagi c0nfuse..haha..but anyway thanks t0 every0ne yang really care to help me..walaupun masalah neh xdelah besar sangat..tapi mampu expl0dekan otak aku gak la na differ these shit out..
and thanks to this f0lk named Man Tarantulah ( awes0me name dude.,c0s i l0ve tarantula..hehe ) and a lil chat ngan Chum Kriegzerst0rer.,bantuan mereka buatkan aku study hard,baca few articles,experiencing and etc..i think i can start to differ few bands..
of c0s sbnrnye bnyk beza nye..tapi xtaw la nape aku susah sngt na bezakan..dari segi riff,dan yg paling ketara jeritan..senang na ingat klu black metal,mereka just shriek but death metal agak vari0us..but they're scream and gr0wl more..that's it..
then yang membuatkan pe0ple say "black metal ngan death metal same" is a subgenre yang c0me out fr0m both black metal and death metal i.e BLACKENED DEATH METAL..that's wut put band as DIMMU BORGIR,DEICIDE defined themselves as Black Metal/Death Metal..
s0.,BLACK METAL's example are::
Mayhem ( the pi0neer )
and DEATH METAL lax::
Death ( the pi0neer )
Cattle Decapitation
Spawn of Possession
Arch Enemy
Amon Amarth
ok..n0te to self that death metal ade bnyk subgenres..s0 jgn pelik bile list di atas ada kelainan music..enj0y..