its been a l0ng fucking time i didn't write..even have n0 enthusiasm t0 sketch or etc..
i left my metal s0ng f0r s0medays n0w..
if c0mpare t0 wh0 i was,this seems fucking weird..
it ain't bc0s i'm changing or wut but i think myb i fell my passi0n to my b hell to0 much...
that's y i think i didn't mind any 0ther else,other than b..
0f c0s it'll nvr be a shame if i'm being the way i am,even ar0und him.,he'll nvr mind or b0ther..
but i think this is what i reacted by whatever he wants me t0 be..
but hey.,i didn't mind at all if it c0mes fr0m his fucking m0uth.,n0t others that w0uld like t0 be my s0-called go0d friends..idk..
my b u'r jeal0us or s0mething..
but of c0s i'll have a go0d and nice react t0 what u said.,but h0nestly i w0n't bother..