schiz0phrenia??? hellyeah....
n0body kn0w i suffered that shit..
but at least.,i'm n0w n0t ok..
c0s i'm insane f0r my b..
i w0uld be creating a new fucking life..
but sure.,he'll be there..ALL the fucking time there f0r me..
he's m0re a drug f0r me..
hell whatevery0u wnna say ab0ut it..
c0s i admit..,i'm in the wr0ng lane..
but with b with me..,i w0uld be fine..
well yeaa..,if ever he w0uld let my hand g0..
i'll sure fall d0wn c0s i'm t0tally holding to him..
s0 please..,d0n't lemme g0..