Pain Killer
Pain Killer? because these events has made me fr0m a sad person into a
happy pers0n.. :)
These fucking days I wasn't really a happy person.,s0mething'd ha...
11 years ago
ermmm there's n0thg elxe to xay other than "fucking awex0oomee!!"
ab0ut laxt year.,they had releaxed a new xingle titled "Grubbery"
with a freaking graveyard occured muxic vide0 that t0tally chill my b0ne..
and xtill.,i d0nt kn0w they g0nna release a new album inxtead of g0ing here and there playing the xame fucking x0ngx in gigx..
and h0pefully they w0uld c0me out with a m0re and m0re awex0me x0ngx..