few weeks ag0 my B received surat utk lap0r diri this May 1st..
hell of c0s m fuckg exciting f0r him c0s heg0t wut he dexerve..
at least this is the beginning f0r my B to step 0n a better career ( well, even guard jugak but at least lpas neh da g0vrnmnt..kukuh cket j0b ye )
tp the same m0ment i'd realized yg after this xley jmpe my B ari2 lg da..
of c0s klu spe dngr i ckp cmneh msti kate "yerr ngade2..bkn xdpt jmpe lngsung pun"
but my heart je yg leh rse the true feelinx..
da biase nmpk ari2..nnt bile da ja0h msti trase giler..
rse sdih tu mmg xleh lari la..lg2 time 1st t0 2nd m0nth tu..
xtaw cmne na sesuaikn dri.,msti tringt2 time die rhat dtg..time ye rnda singgah kt kdai..
isk isk..
but i'll try my best to get rid of it asap..
cbe ingt blk cmne time lpas ptus ngn behesthy dlu..
nangis 2 3 ari je kn? huhu..
at least i cant be a cry baby c0s my B n0 longer by ma syde to c0mfort me..
via mxg je lah..isk isk..
s0 Belle..this is it..
i kn0w i'm str0ng..
i ain't a l0lita wh0 cry 0ver her t0rn dress..
sy berjiwa metal..bhahahaha..
but b..0nce u'r n0t ar0und my sight anym0re..
please be alwys rmmbr 0f me..
i'll be waiting f0r u 2 c0me back..
( cehh ayat cm b na g medan perang je..huhu..)
da la na tit0w..nunyte..
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