what i m0xt like t0 do in wh0le day??
belle..that's wut u xhud call me..
the w0rd "b0ring" isn't in ma dicti0nary..
these is wut i alwys d0 in ma day to prevent that w0rd "b0ring" to be xp0ken thru ma fucking m0uth..
1. lixtening t0 muxic..
xince that is ma drug..
ma fucking genre.,metal..
and these wut i l0ve to lixten to..
- st0len babies
- as bl0od runs black
- begging for incest
- placenta
- elysia
- sigh
and/but many more..hehe..
2. xketching..
i ain't go0d in art..
yet u wud xay "hey,even ma 6th year old sister cn draw that..
but wh0 care c0s that's h0w i exprexx ma deprexxed..
by drawing xum pathetic human with0ut eyeballx..
3. writing p0emx..
i need n0body to talk t0..
s0 that's why i'd juxt mumbling maxelf,putting w0rdx and write em d0wn..
i'm n0t go0d in w0rding,to be h0next..
but i enj0y maxelf writing all ma heart out..
giant p0ster ☠ Arch Enemy - Khaos Legion

I've g0t this fucking p0ster from Metal Hammer.,a metal magazine that i b0ught yesterday..

I didn't think it was an amazing p0ster at first c0s i d0n't listen t0 Arch Enemy that much..and i paste the fucking p0ster on my back do0r just because i felt like t0..but then,after f0r a while,i was like "hey.,it's awes0me"..and my fav0rite part was the bunch of skelet0n with red eyes..i alm0st f0rgot that i'm easily fall in love with SKELETONS..haha..

and s0.,i d0n't think i ad0re the p0ster much..but i'm IN LOVE with the skeletons.. (:
I Hate..
i hate t0 think that i am fine.,
even its really hurt inside..
i hate t0 think that i'm okay.,
even i'd slitted my wrist anyway..
i hate t0 think that i w0nt care.,
even i still ask y0u the same..
i hate t0 think that i wanna run.,
but i w0uld c0me back in the end..
i hate t0 think that i wanna hide.,
but secretly i w0uld steal y0ur sight..
i hate t0 think that i wanna die.,
but i always ask back myself why..
i hate t0 think that i d0n't wnna l0se.,
this deep feeling t0ward y0u..
p/s=r0ses are red,and the sky s0 blue..
the only thing that i hate,is t0 losing y0u..
(a fucking p0em that i wr0te by maxelf)
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